Student Voice
Student Voice initiatives acknowledge that students have unique perspectives on education, teaching, and schooling, and should have the opportunity to actively shape their own learning.
At St Catherine of Siena, we aim to encourage student voice by asking our students to participate in our school, community and education system, to contribute to decision making processes and collectively influence outcomes by putting forward their views, concerns and ideas. Our Student Voice Team, made up of representatives from across the school, meet with the principal and staff representatives regularly to provide feedback, initiate action and ideas and contribute to school decision making.
Student Leadership
All of our Year 6 students play an important role in leading our school community and have opportunities across the year to develop their leadership skills including running our weekly assemblies, leading each whole school gathering, supporting school events and leading social justice initiatives. Some of our Year 6 students are appointed into more formal leadership positions each year and represent our school as captains, sports leaders, arts leaders or in other school priority areas.
Students at other year levels have opportunities to develop and exercise their leaderships skills through initiatives including ‘Mini Vinnies’ (our social justice team) and our school ‘Protect the Planet’ club, focused on taking positive environmental action.