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St Catherine of Siena School recognises that digital technology is an integral part of life. It also plays a role in learning. At St Catherine of Siena children have access to Apple iPads, which are used to help enrich teaching and learning. Through the use of various apps, students are invited to explore, create, design, produce and share their learning in creative ways. 

Technology is incorporated into daily classroom lessons and routines. Students in the junior years work on their technology skills by learning how to use the iPads in a responsible way. In the senior classes, students use iPads in a 1:1 environment.  Devices are provided and managed by the school and remain at school.

The Seesaw app is used across the school and provides parents/carers with real-time insights and feedback about their child’s learning and achievement. We post ‘learning snapshots’ each week to provide parents/carers with information about the learning that is taking place and provide regular assessment work samples each term to share each child’s achievements and progress.



Learning about Cyber Safety takes place each year. Students are entrusted to follow St Catherine of Siena’s Cyber Safety rules and are empowered to act responsibly when working online.  Our User Agreement sets out clear rules for behaviour in online environments and students and families sign this agreement each year.

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