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Where is St Catherine of Siena Catholic Primary School?

St Catherine of Siena School is a Catholic co-educational primary school in the growth area of Armstrong Creek, Geelong.  We are located at 125 Warralily Boulevard.

How many students will attend the new school?

The school has been planned for an eventual student population of around 600 students.

What is the enrolment catchment for the school?

The new school is located in the Nazareth Parish. Our enrolment policy and a map of the enrolment boundary can be found here

How do I enrol?

If you are interested in learning more about St Catherine’s we encourage you to contact the school office on 5264 5934, we will provide you with the most up to date information.

Otherwise, see the Enrolment section of our website.

Please note that enrolments for Prep in 2025 have now closed.

Can I enrol if I am not Catholic?

St Catherine’s  will be open to all families who are supportive of the Catholic mission and traditions of the school. According to guidelines set by Catholic Education, priority entry will be given to baptised Catholic students.

What are the fees?

School fees per family for 2024 are:

Annual tuition fee             $1700

Capital fee                          $250

Levy per student  – (covers classroom expenses and school excursions)

Grades Prep – 2                 $850

Grades 3 – 6                      $1000 (Includes Technology Levy)

Camp Levy Grades 4-6     $350

Camp Levy Grade 2          $220

Fees are subject to change yearly and will be updated at the commencement of each school year.

Where can I buy the School Uniform?

Our school uniform can be purchased from PSW Geelong, 164 Malop Street or you can purchase online.

What secondary school will St Catherine’s students be given priority entry to?

St Catherine of Siena is a primary school in the Nazareth parish, which includes Iona College. Enrolments are subject to the Iona College’s enrolment process. Priority is given to Catholic students in Catholic schools.

What facilities are at the school site?

We are fortunate to be a well resourced school, with building and facility work continuing as our school grows. Current facilities include:

  • flexible classrooms
  • a dedicated library space
  • specialist learning areas for Performing Arts, Visual Arts. STEM and Kitchen
  • multiple adventure playgrounds to cater for different age levels
  • grass play areas
  • large covered outdoor learning area including basketball/netball courts
  • synthetic soccer pitch
  • vegetable garden and nature play spaces
  • after-school care dedicated room
  • dedicated meeting rooms

Future works will include additional classroom spaces and an indoor multi-purpose/gathering/gym space.

Will there be early learning or pre-school provided on site?

Early Learning is not being considered currently.

Is there before and after school care provisions?

Yes, before and after school care is provided at St Catherine of Siena by Their Care.

Learn more about St. Catherine of Siena.

Catherine was a member of the Dominican Third Order. This meant that she chose not to marry, but to devote her life to preaching and doing good deeds as a layperson.

Catherine’s major accomplishment was in persuading the Pope to return from Avignon, France to the Vatican in Italy. Turmoil in Rome and conflict with the emperor had forced the popes to retreat to Avignon in southern France. Catherine shared the popular Italian desire to restore the papacy to Rome.

Throughout her life she displayed a strong vision and passion for learning, a desire to bring the love of God into everyone’s hearts and the courage to make a difference through her actions.

Catherine died when she was only 33. She was canonized in 1461 and proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1970. She is the patron saint of Italy and all of Europe.

We can draw inspiration from her powerful words of wisdom:

“Be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire”

Her Feast day is on the 29th of April.

Image icon credit: Cecilia Lawrence (

Our School routine

School will commence – 8:50am

Morning Break – 11:00am to 11:30am

Lunch – 11.30am to 11.40 am

Afternoon Break – 1.40pm to 2.20pm

Dismissal – 3:20pm

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