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Outdoor learning at St Catherine of Siena creates opportunities for students to form rich connections with the natural world, each other and our local community. It promotes wellbeing, strengthens curriculum knowledge and understanding and encourages us to consider our collective responsibility in being part of the world as stewards of creation.

The aims of our program include:

  • Developing collaboration and social skills through play and experiential learning
  • Providing opportunities for fine and gross motor skill development 
  • Providing explicit opportunities for personal reflection, metacognition and celebration of learning
  • Designing learning experiences that promote responsible risk taking and personal challenge
  • Explicitly providing opportunities for students to come to understand First Nation perspectives and care for Country

In Grades Prep-2 students have structured outdoor learning sessions, either onsite or at our nearby woodland reserves, facilitated by our Outdoor Learning Specialist teacher. 

In Grades 3-6, the Outdoor Learning/Kitchen Garden Program provides opportunities for students to enjoy pleasurable food experiences and to develop their understanding of environmental sustainability through growing their own produce and outdoor environmental education.

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