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News and construction update

Onsite meetings have been positive and construction of our new school is progressing well which is very exciting to see it in action.

We recently hosted a joint information evening at Nazareth primary school and it was terrific to meet so many families eager to learn more about our plans and hopes for St Catherine’s.

On the night Donna Bryce spoke with interested families about the vision for St Catherine’s, where we want our children to be engaged, enlightened and energised with high expectations. She spoke to families about her passion to work with them to build a learning community that engages, empowers and enables each child to excel.

We spoke about the importance of beginning with the end in mind, what do you want your child to be at the end of their schooling journey? Ms Bryce outlined her learning philosophy which will support this and of course we detailed some of the practical aspects of attending St Catherine’s as well as the decisions still to be made. Things like uniform, the structure of our days, opportunities for parents and friends to contribute and specialist learning opportunities to name just a few.

For anyone who was unable to attend on the evening, Ms Bryce would welcome the opportunity to discuss these things with you in more detail. Please email her a request via and she will find a suitable time for a telephone conversation. Please note she is still juggling duties as Deputy Principal at St Aloysius Ballarat with her new role at St Catherine but will do her best to find a time that suits us both.

We are also in the process of developing a brochure which captures all of this information in the one place and of course, we are continuing to develop our website. Please encourage any friends who may be interested in St Catherine’s to take a look at our website and sign up for these new updates.

Our next news update will provide you with some details on the fantastic facilities families can expect in stage one of our building program. We are also looking forward to sharing many photos with you as the buildings take shape.

Please contact Ms Bryce on 0475 753 590 or email: with any questions you may have, and again, encourage your friends to visit our website and sign up for news updates.

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