At St Catherine of Siena, students participate in a daily Mathematics hour that encompasses the various strands of numeracy including Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability.
Throughout our Mathematics learning and teaching, teachers use assessment data to drive their teaching to ensure all students are learning at their point of need and are extended or supported as required.
A typical Mathematics lesson at St Catherine of Siena consists of:
- a ‘daily review’ session where students revise and review mathematical concepts and recent learning
- a “Mathematical Tools” session (a short session involving counting, estimation, fluency, and/or mental computation)
- explicit instruction of new mathematical skills and knowledge
- guided and independent opportunities for students to practise and apply skills
- metacognition time where the key learnings are revisited
Throughout our Mathematics program at St Catherine of Siena students will:
- Understand mathematics concepts through explicit teaching and hands-on approaches
- Develop a repertoire of numeracy strategies to help solve problems
- Develop their knowledge and skills of numeracy using everyday situations
- Participate in problem solving activities that provide opportunities to use various strategies in order to find solutions
- Use technology to enhance their Numeracy skills and knowledge