Getting Active at St Catherine’s
To the Community of Armstrong Creek,
As we enter the depths of winter and outdoor adventures become less inviting, many families are looking for creative ways to keep their children active and burning energy. I thought it was timely to share with you the importance we will place on active learning at St Catherine’s.
Many people can recall how much better they feel when they go outside for a walk, jog in the fresh air, or engage in a physical activity such as football, soccer or basketball. Research now confirms what we have known for many years, it not only physically benefits a person when they are active, but it is emotionally, socially and cognitively good for us. By releasing endorphins when you exert yourself physically we feel better but it also assists children with their developing bodies to learn better. Active children are ready to learn, more focused and are better able to engage in their learning.
Trosts (2007) research found that even short breaks of physical activity improved concentration, behaviour and memory in primary school students. His report also found that children who exercised had improved concentration and academic performance.
More and more recent research, such as Lipowska (2018) concludes that such participation delivers children with essential health benefits, mentally, socially and physically. This leads to students being more productive, more motivated, better organised and more effective in learning and performing tasks. One of the most important benefits of daily physical exercise is that it improves a child’s emotional wellbeing, assisting them to feel more confident, relaxed, and happy, developing their self-esteem. This in turn improves their concentration and ability to manage anxiety and stress.
A happy child is ready to engage in their learning, to take risk, without fear of making a mistake. At St Catherine’s we will encourage each child to be physically active daily so that they can develop a strong sense of self, knowing they can learn, empowering them to ‘set the world on fire.’
This is why we are developing a range of outdoor spaces which will be ready in January 2020 at St Catherine’s:
- If you have driven past our school you will have seen our basketball and netball court is already asphalted and ready to go.
- Work has already begun on our oval which will be fully irrigated for year-round use.
- Our outdoor adventure playground will include a large shaded area to ensure children are protected from the sun while engaging in outdoor play.
- We can also confirm our Kitchen-Garden will also be ready for the opening of our new school. This will include a fully functioning kitchen as well as an impressive outdoor garden area ready for children to plant and learn from the paddock to the plate, participating in a pleasurable food education.
As you can see from these images, construction work is progressing well. Our roof is on and with brickwork well advanced we expect to be at lock up stage soon.
Feel free to share this update with any families who may be interested and encourage them subscribe for news updates.
Best wishes,
Donna Bryce